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This settings page allows you to change the appearance of the customer portal, wether it is hosted on your site directly as a theme block or accessed on a separate site.

Customer Portal URL

This value is the primary location where your customer portal is hosted. This is a read-only value, but you can change it by reaching out to Corso support.

You can copy the URL, or navigate to it with the buttons to the right.


This section of the page allows you to adapt the look and feel of the customer portal.

Brand Color

The Brand Color is the main accent color used throughout the application, especially as the primary color for buttons and the outline on active input fields.

This color should be dark, as the text over it will be colored white. To be compliant with the ADA in the United States as well as various other regulations throughout the world, various accessibility standards should be considered including WCAG 2.0. You should target a contrast ratio of 4.5:1. You can evaluate potential color choices and learn more at WebAIM.

Background Color

If there is no background image set, the page body will have a background color as set here. Since no text or other elements will appear directly on this background, you can select the color that best represents your brand with the rest of the portal. Lighter colors will typically look best here but you will not need to be concerned with text contrast, etc.

This color will not be used if you use the embedded app block customer portal on your site.

Background Image

The image covering the background of the customer portal application can be set here. Since the center of the image will be covered by the app, an image without a focal point in the center foreground will work best. For best results, a more muted image that can convey the tone of your brand without distracting from the application in the center is best.

This background image will not be used if you use the embedded app block customer portal on your site.

You can place the URL of a publicly accessible image here. It will be scaled to fit at the top of the portal. For best results, a logo at least 100px tall should be used to allow for hi dpi (retina) displays at full resolution. Because the vertical height of the image will be minimal at about 40 pixels high, an aspect ratio of at least 2:1 is recommended for this image.

This logo will not be displayed if you use the embedded app block customer portal on your site.


The favicon can be set here. Often, the same favicon used by your online store will be most appropriate for your portal as well.

This favicon will not be used if you use the embedded app block customer portal on your site.

Portal Text Customization

Throughout the return experience, your customers will have explanatory text shown to them in the portal. This text can be customized in this section.


This title will appear in search engine results, and on the browser tab. Examples might include “Corso Returns and Exchanges”, “Corso Post-Purchase Customer Service”, etc. Use your company name instead of the word “Corso”, of course.

Order Lookup Text

The customer portal will start with an order lookup. This text will appear above the order lookup fields, and can be whatever you like. Various custom instructions can be placed here, including text such as Your order number can be found in your order confirmation email.

The customer portal has a footer at the bottom throughout the experience. The text of this footer can be set here.

Return Customization

Various points in the return process can be customized with these settings.

Hide Label Download

When this switch is turned on, only a QR code for a label download will be shown. This helps to prevent some types of fraud used when the label is directly accessed.

Return Not Required Submission Headline

If a return isn’t required based on the circumstances you have defined with automation rules, then the customer will be informed of this in the application. This setting determines the headline seen by the customer. This text should be kept short, such as “Return not required”.

Return Not Required Submission Text

This setting allows you to give additional guidance with text within the body of the application. This text could be things such as “These items do not require being sent back to us” or “Return not required for these items”.

Gift Card Detail Text

When the option of store credit in the form of a gift card is offered, the text shown to the customer will be shown here. The text can be, for example, Get a gift card for store credit. A redeemable code will be sent via email when your return has been approved.

Refund Detail Text

Similar to the offering of a gift card, a refund can be made available to customers as an option. That text can be set here.

Warranty Customization

As with any other type of claim, you can customize the warranty process - although options are more limited.

Warranty Submission Text

When a warranty claim has been submitted, the overview page will display confirmation to the customer. You can set the text displayed to the customer on this page, with something similar to “Thank you for submitting your warranty claim, we will be in touch soon”, or “We apologize for the inconvenience. We will reach out ASAP to process your claim and resolve the problem for you.”