Various settings are available to customize the returns functionality available to your customers in the Corso app.
These are the settings that apply generally to the returns process. You can toggle returns functionality on and off with the toggle switch.
Return Policy URL
A link to your return policy will be shown in the customer portal. Make sure that your return policy is accurately reflected in the settings and setup defined in the Corso app. Place this link here in this field to have it display correctly.
Require Media Upload
If turned on, this setting will require customers to upload an image or video during the return process.
You can perform inspections on returned items from within the Corso software. If you do not have this need, you can leave this option turned off so that the returns process can be kept simpler for your team.
Return Expiration Days
The return window, in days, from when a return is created. DUring this window the customer can access the label and packing slip to return the item, etc.
E-commerce Platform
These are settings related to how the Corso software will interact with your e-commerce platform (Shopify, etc.) with regard to returned items.
Restock to Shopify
If turned on, inventory for a return will be added back to the location returned to. A shipping policy in the Corso app defines where a return goes to, and this setting will allow a return covered by that shipping policy to automatically restock the inventory in Shopify.
Final Sale Product Tag
For any product that you want to to be treated as “final sale” so that it is ineligible for refunds, store credit, or exchanges, you can put a tag on it in SHopify. This tag can be changed here in this setting.
Exchange Only Product Tag
If you want a product to only be eligible for exchanges (but no returns, store credit, etc.), you can specify a Shopify tag in this field to be used for this purpose.
These settings apply generally to refunds processed inside the Corso App. You can toggle refunds functionality on and off with the toggle switch.
Refund Window
This is the number of days after the fulfillment of an order that a refund can be requested. After this number of days a refund will not be offered to customers. This number can be further refined with automation rules.
Refund Handling Fee
(This feature has been moved to the Automations section, under Refund Handling Fee.)
Deduct Shipping Cost from Refund Total
(This feature has been moved to the Automations section, under Deduct Shipping Cost from Refund Total.)
Store Credit
These settings will generally apply to all returns where store credit might be issued. You can turn store credit functionality on or off with the toggle switch.
Store Credit Window
This is the number of days after the fulfillment of an order that store credit can be requested. After this number of days store credit will not be offered to customers. This number can be further refined with automation rules.
Store Credit Gift Card Product ID
Store credit is issued in the form of a gift card. To issue a gift card, the Corso app needs to know the product ID of the gift card to be used in your store.
Store Credit Incentive Amount
To incentivize customers to select store credit (rather than requesting a refund), you can “boost” the amount of store credit offered. That amount can be set here as either a percentage of the return amount, or a fixed dollar amount.
Store Credit Order Prefix
When a customer selects store credit as their way of being compensated for a return, a gift card will be sent to them. The gift card will be part of a standard order from your store, and that order can have a predetermined prefix as set here.
Variant Exchanges
Customers can choose to request a return in the form of a variant exchange, where they replace a product with the same one of a different size or color. This variant exchange process can be affected with the settings here. You can also turn the variant exchange functionality on or off from this toggle.
Exchange Window
This is the window during which exchanges are permitted. Similar to other windows, this starts when an order is fulfilled and is defined in days.
Exchange Order Discount Code
The Corso app manages no-cost exchanges by applying a discount code to the order. You can set the Shopify discount code to be used here. Note that this discount code must already exist.
Exchange Order Prefix
When a variant exchange occurs, the exchange will be sent by the Corso app as part of a Shopify order. Since order prefixes can be set, the Corso app will put a prefix on all orders as specified here.
Shipping Title
When exchanges are sent, they can be sent with a certain shipping plan. The title lf that plan is set here.
Minimum Inventory Available to Customer
You can set a threshold of inventory that must be met before a variant exchange can be offered. If you have this value set to 5, and there are only 4 of the variant in stock, then a variant exchange will not be offered.
Allow Exchange of Exchange
An “exchange of exchange” is when a customer exchanges an item that was previously exchanged. If a customer purchased a red item, then exchanges it for a green variant, this setting will determine wether they can request a third exchange if they have decided that they in fact wanted orange all along.