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Understanding Shopify Fulfillment

How does Shipping Protection get fulfilled?

Corso provides 3 options for fulfilling the Shipping Protection product:

  1. On First Fulfillment (Default Method) - For this option Corso waits until any item on the order is fulfilled and then auto-fulfills the Corso Shipping Protection product on the order. This is the default method and how most brands fulfill shipping protection.

  2. On Order Create - As soon as an order is created that includes Corso Shipping Protection Corso will auto-fulfill the shipping protection product.

  3. No Shipping Protection Fulfillment - Corso will not try to auto-fulfill the shipping protection product on any orders.

IMPORTANT - As part of fulfilling the shipping protection product in cart, the product does need to be assigned to a valid fulfillment location in Shopify.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or are having issues with Shipping Protection fulfillment.