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Understanding Shopify Fulfillment

SHopify fulfillment infographic

What changes did Shopify make?

Shopify deprecated their old Fulfillment API in their 2022-Q4 release, and moved orders to their new Fulfillment Orders API. They did this in an effort to help merchants model the entire fulfillment process more accurately into its sub-pieces and allow for new features like local delivery & pickup, fulfillment holds, subscriptions and more.

Who does this impact?

Merchants who use third-party fulfillment services (3PL) or warehouse management systems (WMS) who also use Corso Shipping Protection.

Quick Takeaways:

  • These Shopify changes only impact merchants who use a third-party logistics or warehouse management system (3PL or WMS) to help with their order fulfillment.
  • If you use a 3PL or WMS and have synced your products to that system, verify in Shopify that the Corso Shipping Protection product variants are set to a Shopify Managed Location and not your 3PL or WMS.
  • Adjust your settings in your 3PL or WMS to ignore Shipping Protection so that it doesn’t worry about fulfilling it along with the other products in the order. As soon as your 3PL or WMS fulfills even just one product on a particular order, Corso will auto-fulfill our Shipping Protection product.
  • If you have any questions reach out to [email protected].

How does this impact merchants who use Corso?

With the old Fulfillment API, fulfillment was possible for any managed location inventory. What that means is that Corso had the ability to auto-fulfill Corso Shipping Protection on all orders where at least one product on the order was fulfilled.

With Shopify’s migration to their new Fulfillment Orders API, Corso can no longer auto-fulfill Shipping Protection if it is set to a third-party fulfillment servicer (i.e. 3PL, WMS). This could result in Shipping Protection not being fulfilled for merchants who use any of these third-party services that fulfill products on the merchants behalf.

What is Corso doing to make this work?

Our team has already taken the necessary steps as an order management app within Shopify to request permissions for merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, which will allow Corso to manage fulfillment orders assigned to merchant-managed locations. This means that Corso will have the ability to auto-fulfill Shipping Protection for any products that are assigned to merchant-managed locations. However, if there are any products that are assigned to a third-party managed location, Corso will not be able to fulfill those items (see What do I need to do as a merchant?).

What do I need to do as a merchant?

If you use a 3PL or WMS along with Corso, here are some things you can do in order to avoid having unfulfilled Shipping Protection Products in your orders:

  1. Ensure that Shipping Protection Product Variants are all set to a Shopify managed location.
    • Set Corso’s Shipping Protection product and variants to a Shopify Managed location. Corso will be able to auto-fulfill them whenever any product is fulfilled in that particular order.
    • When syncing products to a 3PL or WMS, those systems may automatically update the managed location on all product variants to be managed by the 3PL or WMS, including Shipping Protection. To avoid manually fulfilling Shipping Protection for every order, ensure Shipping Protection is set to a Shopify managed location.
  2. Set your 3PL or WMS to ignore Shipping Protection
    • Set as a Digital Product in 3PL or WMS - In Shopify, Shipping Protection is considered a digital product. However, syncing products into some 3PL or WMS systems may set Shipping Protection as a regular product that needs fulfillment. Setting a product as a digital will inform the 3PL or WMS that it does not need to be fulfilled.
    • Some 3PL or WMS may have additional settings to ignore products when fulfilling an order that may also need to be adjusted.

Additional Resources: