Setting up Restock to Shopify

Enabling Restock to Shopify allows you to restock inventory to a specific Shopify location once a return is approved.  In order for products to be restocked, the following conditions must be true:

  1. Restock to Shopify Setting is Enabled
  2. A Shopify Location is selected on the Shipping Policy for the original order
  3. The Returned product(s) must be approved

Important - This should only be enabled if your inventory is managed through Shopify.


  1. Enable Restock to Shopify  - This must be enabled before you can set your Restock Location in any Shipping Policies
    1. Navigate to Settings > Returns > E-CommercePlatform > Restock to Shopify 
  2. Select Shopify Location for Restock
    1. Navigate to Settings > Shipping Policies > Create/Edit Policy > Shopify Location