Gladly Integration

Manage Returns & Shipping Protection in Gladly

Steps to Integrate with Gladly

1. Create a Corso API User

  • Navigate to Settings > People > Users > Add User in Gladly
  • Enter "" as the email address.
  • Set the username as "Corso API User."
  • Assign the following roles:
    • Agent
    • API User
    • Developer
  • Click "Add User."

2. Corso Integration Process

Once the API user is created, the Corso team will complete the following steps:

  • Generate a Corso API Token: This token is required for enabling the timeline functionality within the integration. The Corso team will securely store this token.
  • Add Corso Custom App: The Corso team will generate a unique signing key and HTTP header/value. These credentials will be used to add the custom app in Gladly.

3. Gladly Confirmation

Upon successful integration, Gladly will reach out to the designated Brand/Gladly admin to confirm that the Corso Custom App is live and ready for use.

Important Note: If you have any questions or encounter issues during the integration process, please contact Corso Support for assistance.